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Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead

In response to Sheryl’s 2010 TEDTalk on the ways women are held back—and the way we hold ourselves back—viewers around the world shared their own stories of struggle and success. This overwhelming response inspired Sheryl to write this book. In Lean In, she shares her personal stories, uses research to shine a light on gender differences, and offers practical advice to help women achieve their goals. The book challenges us to change the conversation from what women can’t do to what we can do, and serves as a rallying cry for us to work together to create a more equal world.

Just released: “Lean In for Graduates,” a handbook that offers instruction and inspiration for the next generation. Learn more

Sheryl speaks to why she wrote the book, how she hopes it will encourage women, and her vision of a world where all our voices are heard.

Talk About Lean In

We encourage you to talk about the ideas in Lean In with friends and co-workers. Get started with one of our discussion guides:

“… the wisdom Sandberg shares here is a gift that all women (and all partners who support them, in the workplace or at home) should give themselves.”

Entertainment Weekly
The New Yorker
The Guardian
Time Magazine
New York Magazine